The overall objective of ATLASea is to sequence the genomes of 4,500 species sampled in the French Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) using phylogenetic coverage targeted according to criteria designed to understand and analyse particularly threatened, fragile, biologically important and economically strategic ecosystems.
The DIVE-Sea Targeted Project is responsible for organising the sampling of 3,900* species in mainland France and 600* species in four overseas territories (New Caledonia, Guadeloupe, Mayotte and French Polynesia).
This objective will be achieved through a combination of the following sampling approaches:
- in situ – on-site expeditions, pelagic and benthic environments (see provisional calendar of sampling expeditions below)
- ex situ – existing cultures at marine stations (e.g. Roscoff Culture Collection – RCC)
- via the form addressed to ‘species ambassadors’ – contributions from the scientific community
ATLASea would like to gradually open up to members of the French scientific community the possibility of submitting specimen samples with a view to sequencing their genomes. To this end, we have just set up a test form addressed to ‘species ambassadors’ to enable colleagues from marine stations to submit a few proposals for species to be sequenced. This phase of testing the form under real conditions will enable us to refine the questions asked before opening it up to the entire French scientific community. The form is due to open in November-December 2024.
If you would like to be kept informed of the opening of the form and receive other news from ATLASea, sign up for our newsletter by contacting the programme office by email: contact (at)
Stay tuned, we thank you for your patience!

* – approximate values