ATLASea, an atlas of marine genomes
A dive into the heart of marine biodiversity to understand the mechanisms and history of live
Discover the last sampled species
We’re in the news!
Le Figaro – Des scientifiques réalisent un projet colossal de recensement génétique des espèces marines [in French]
France Inter – Interview with Line Le Gall in Chroniques Littorales [in French]
Libération – Naturalisme du futur : Poissons, étoiles de mer, crustacés… La France lance une vaste chasse au trésor des génomes marins [in French]
Ouest France – Interview | « La génomique de la biodiversité est une fondation pour la recherche future » [in French]
Les Echos – Biodiversité marine : le CNRS lance un programme de recherche aux applications prometteuses [in French]
ATLASea is one of the laureates of the PEPR exploratory programmes, which target emerging scientific or technological sectors where the French government sees a need to identify and structure communities.
Co-led by the CNRS and the CEA, the ATLASea programme aims to sequence the genomes of 4,500 marine species, with a high coverage of species from mainland France, but also including species from overseas territories.
Funded by France 2030 grant for 8 years, the project will help to understand, study and preserve a broad diversity of marine life forms.